How To.Make Nail Paint Last


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Dec 28, 2012

Amy L.

hey I will paint my nails one day next it'd half gone please help

Dec 28, 2012

Lolita B.

i have the same prob. use a base n top coat. 

Dec 28, 2012

Barbara C.

I used to have that problem, even when using a base and top coat. but after I stopped using this nail strengthner before painting my nails, and they last a week now. mabye your using something that makes your nails oily? polish never sticks to oily nails

Dec 28, 2012

Annie K.

Yeah use a base coat and a top coat for the best results :)

Dec 28, 2012

Tonita C.

Seche vite top coat

Dec 28, 2012

Andrea C.

I saw to wipe alcohol over your nails before painting. I use Orly Rubberized Lacquer Gripping Basecoat and it works pretty well

Dec 28, 2012

Cecil Y.

Cuticle oil 

Dec 28, 2012

Payton K.

Make sure your nails have no oils, polish doesnt adhere well to oils. To do this wash and scrub your nails with soap. Then apply a basecoat, nail color, and topcoat. (:

Dec 28, 2012

Amy E.

Buffing your nails helps.

Hailey  K.

Dec 29, 2012

Hailey K.

Get it done professionally they use a special top coat keeps it on longer or just buy the top coat and do your own nails