Tips for long healthy hair💆


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Feb 28, 2015

Anna D.

How much heat do you put on your hair??

Feb 28, 2015

Hannah J.

My hair used to be soooooo fried and damaged from bleaching/dying & heat now my hair is healthy as ever. What I did was stopped dying my hair, no heat, the Aussie 3 minute miracle is LITERALLY a miracle after 4 washes my hair was so soft and I ALWAYS use argan oil as a heat protectant and after every wash.

Feb 27, 2015

Anna D.

Straighten your hair after washing, get layers put in so it stays healthy and the ends stay healthy and have patience!! xx

Feb 27, 2015

Alyssa S.

Healthy hair grows fast. So don't forget to schedule regular hair appointments for a TRIM. I found that when I went every 6 months or so (less time if I needed it) my hair would sprout! And the hair dresser would only take one inch or so, then it would grow 3 or so!

Feb 27, 2015

Melanie S.

Just be careful with it. (: try your best to be careful with your styling tools, and use some heat protection spray.

Feb 26, 2015

Alexis C.

Kailey, I have it saved in my notes so I can copy and paste, I used to type it all out every single time! Gets a bit annoying sometimes, though :P.

Feb 26, 2015

Natalie C.

I have super Curley and frizzy long hair. The only thing that seems to tame and keep it healthy is using coconut oil once a week and using the damage repair by herbal essence

Feb 26, 2015

Kailey L.

Is there no such thing as sticky threads on beautylish? Alexis, you poor thing, you must copy & paste that daily!

Feb 26, 2015

Abby H.

Thanks!! :)

Feb 26, 2015

Alexis C.

There's no miracle product or technique to make hair grow faster as hair growth is based on genetics, however there are things you can do to help promote hair growth.

-use sulphate free shampoos
-use a hair mask at least once a week
-never brush hair when wet
-use as little heat as possible
-use a heat protectant when you do use heat
-get regular trims
-make sure your ponytails/buns aren't too tight
-drink plenty of water and keep yourself healthy as well

Please do NOT take any kinds of pills, including Biotin, Hairfinity, or any other hair, skin, and nail pills, unless you consult a doctor first. Taking supplements without a deficiency can cause serious health problems.

Feb 26, 2015

Abby H.

I need some tips to get long healthy hair. My hair is dry and frizzy and just YUCK. I wanna grow it out too. If someone could give me any kind of tips to get my hair healthier that would be great!! Thanks in advance😊