Weird Reaction On My Eye.


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Mar 3, 2015

Shauna S.

It's not near the tear duct it's more in the middle underneath my eye that's inflammed.

Mar 3, 2015

Lizzy H.

Put some rice in a sock and heat it up. Press on eye for as long as you can. Quickly got rid of my stye

Mar 2, 2015

Tally D.

I agree with Rosa. I had it happen to me a few weeks ago.

Mar 2, 2015

Kailey L.

Is/was the bump towards the inner corner (in or near the tear duct)? If so it might just be a stye. They aren't dangerous, but they are a pain. Just try to keep it clean and don't use any eye makeup in that area til it's cleared. For me, they take about a week to clear. Unfortunately, once you get them once you're more prone to get them again and again. So make sure you're taking all of your makeup off before sleeping. I actually got silicone plugs put in my tear ducts (prevention, and helps my dry eye) and I have not had a stye since! Just food for thought :)

Mar 2, 2015

Rosa A.

It could be related to a stye I'd say stop mascara and eyeliner and use drops you can go to your local pharmacy and they should recommend something for you

Mar 2, 2015

Ashley D.

If it progresses I would go to the doctors.

Mar 2, 2015

Shauna S.

Thank you! yeah I'm thinking of stopping the eyeliner for a bit. the past week I think I've only worn eye makeup once but it didn't seem to get better

Mar 2, 2015

Logan C.

Not sure if this will be any help but I had something similar happen to me I got one small bump on my eyelid and the rim around my eye was red and itchy. I stopped using the drugstore mascara I had bought I think it was great lash which I had also used before and it went away. It was weird though bc it only happened to one eye even though I used the mascara on both. Hope you figure it out good luck!

Mar 2, 2015

Shauna S.

Not sure if you can tell by this bad picture but the bottom of my eye is a bit swollen and more red in person

Mar 2, 2015

Shauna S.

For like 2 weeks no I have a couple tiny bumps on each of my eyelids. they aren't very noticeable but they're itchy. now today I have a bump under my eye and I was rubbing it a bit and now it looks slightly swollen. I have no idea what I've done. I'm not using any new products. the only thing I've done is repurchase the kvd tattoo eyeliner. this is the 3rd time I've bought it unless they've changed the formula? anyway what could I put on it to stop the itching?