Toner vs Astringent


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Mar 5, 2015

Kelly F.

I used to use the Olay in the past and it was my holy grail forever. it was a good product...I just wanted to try something different so I'm using Mario Badescu now. there are several toners/astringent/lotions in his line for different skin types.

Mar 2, 2015

Yaya B.


Mar 2, 2015

Yaya B.

Olay has a great toner with witch hazel for only 6. 99...and I believe witch hazel is an astringent...and you definitely don't rinse off.

Mar 2, 2015

Traci L.

It's going to be loaded with alcohol especially one from clean and clear your better off getting a tee tree oil toner if you want a toner that helps with acne Jessica.

Mar 2, 2015

Jessica P.

It's the store brand to the clean and clear for sensitive skin.

Mar 2, 2015

Shelley W.

The difference between a toner and astringent...a toner just merely removes any residual product from face after cleansing. While an astringent often contains an active ingredient like Salicylic Acid to be used as a treatment. Also toners are often more gentle than an astringent though I've learned that sometimes that isn't the case when looking at the ingredients of most toners on the market.

Mar 2, 2015

Shelley W.

What toner is this? Apply and then rinse off...

Mar 2, 2015

Jessica P.

I thought that these two did pretty much the same thing...Now that I'm sitting back and reading the bottle of toner I brought I'm not so positive...It tells me to put it on then rinse it off which I feel defeats the purpose since it has an acne treatment in it... very confused does it need to be rinsed off? Thanks for any help ladies it's appreciated??