Experiences With Chemical Peels?


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Feb 27, 2015

Jenna L.

I was told you'll need a series of peels done in order to have clear skin, so don't get your hopes up that it will be fixed after one peel! it has to be a combination of things together over time :) I'll let you know how mine goes!

Feb 27, 2015

Erin L.

I'm on antibiotics for the same reason and also want to get one for scaring

Feb 27, 2015

Jenna L.

Erin, I've had one before but it was a bad experience due to the place just wanting my money and not taking the time to explain it to me and tell me about proper after care. so I am pretty hesitant to get this done, although I do trust my doctors now. What are you looking to get it done for? Mine is to treat acne and scarring - so I've been on an oral antibiotic for the last 2 months to kill acne causing bacteria and also using a topical cream for breakouts. I was told that I would need to get a series of peels done to get rid of the scarring and have new clear skin.

Feb 27, 2015

Erin L.

Sorry I never had one so I can't answer that. But let me know how it goes. I'm thinking about getting one as well

Feb 27, 2015

Jenna L.

I'm going for a chemical peel next week and it's been some time since I've had one. what can I expect and what was the healing time? she told me I could get it done on a Wednesday and go to work Thursday and Friday being able to wear makeup without peeling. and that I would peel for the weekend but be good to go to work on Monday.