Eyebrow help!??! Dying!!


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Feb 24, 2015

Heather J.

It sounds like your anxiety level can get pretty high when you are doing schoolwork. This is a very common experience for a lot of people. Can you think of anything you can do to try to alleviate some of your stress associated with tests/homework? Does this happen only when you are doing homework/taking a test, or do you do this in any situation that causes some anxiety for you (or sometimes even without thinking about it)? There is anxiety disorder called trichotillomania wherein people pull out their hair, eyebrows, eyelashes, etc, and in doing so, they report they feel less stressed or a sense of relief from engaging in this behavior. You may want to do some research on this and talk to your doctor and family about this. Remember, that you can only do the best you can do. If you feel that you have prepared for a test and/or gotten help with anything you are struggling with, then you have done everything in your power to do the best you can. Take comfort in that. :) Some good proactive stress-reduction activities that you could do are regular exercise, rhythmic/ relaxation breathing (can be done while you do homework/take a test), journaling, Hope this helps and take care! :)

Feb 23, 2015

Shanae J.

Don't pick at them. & just fill them in for now.

Feb 23, 2015

Sisi S.

Your eyebrows might grown again.. But it might not :/ I guess you can colour them in with LIGHT powder or try buying the product for growing your eyebrows! :)

Feb 23, 2015

Andrea Q.

I've head that applying rogain , lighlty with a qtip can promote hair growth. but besides that, I agree with these ladies, everyone gas a nervous tick of some sort, so its best to see what you can do to break the habit. I'm sure that if you give yourself that goal , it would motivate you to stop. best of luck!

Feb 23, 2015

Fae G.

It takes 21 days to break a habit so just do whatever you have go to try to not pick at them.

Feb 23, 2015

Delara g.

It's best to try and break the habit. Remind your self of how you really want to grow back your eyebrows, I think if your determined you'd be as to break the habit

Feb 23, 2015

Jessica B.

I have a really STUPID habit of when I'm doing school or concentrating on something, I literately pick or yank at my eyebrows, so now it kinda looks like I don't have any. I have blonde hair so that makes it worse! It's funny if you think about it but super embarrassing! I can't wear makeup yet and I can't buy castor oil. Any ideas?? HELP!!?