Is accutane worth it?


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Mar 7, 2015

Jennifer C.

I took it as a teen after all options where tried. It worked great, I am 31 now and I never get pimples. I feel like it was necessary when I was young so I could avoid scarring. It did dry my lips and skin a little and I stayed out of the sun. I did have to get my blood drawn to check everything while I was on it. It can cause depression and it did towards the end of treatment, but I bounced back quickly. It's important to be under strict doctors care and follow all instructions.

Mar 6, 2015

Maggie F.

I have 3 full courses of Accutane. I never had any issues besides dry skin and it was truly life changing. My skin stays perfect for years after each course. That being said, I'm not sure I would do if for just minor acne if you had bowel surgery. I think it causes digestive issues in some people and as listed as a side effect, but I could be wrong. And I completely agree with Vickie. A lot of people here can sort of vilify this drug, but it changed my life and I had no issues and continue not to have any long term side effects at all 15 years since my first course. I was even considering a 4th course for just hormonal flare ups, but I won't need to as spironolactone worked. Maybe try a few topical treatments and antibiotics first and then see if they work before you give it a try.

Mar 6, 2015

Hannah D.

To me, your skin looks perfect! I've known people who have had to great experiences with accutane and others not so much. As long as you do the research and know the risks AND your Derm says it's okay, you can always try it for awhile. Maybe get another opinion from another Derm. But my honest opinion? You don't need it. Your skin looks flawless, try other stuff before something that dramatic!

Mar 6, 2015

Shauna S.

My boyfriend was recommend Accutane and he really didn't want to go on it. he suffered from bad acne for years and he started going to spas and getting facials and other professional things done to his skin which helped dramatically but it took months. I would recommend checking out a spa and see what they recommend. also changes in diet can help a lot with acne. havt your bowel removed recently could have also disrupted your body causes you to get the acne. my boyfriend also recommends checking out the Arbonne FC5 skincare line. he uses the cleanser, toner, and moisturizer. he even uses the pressed powder (but he doesn't like to admit it lol) and he loves it for his oily face. his skin has cleared up dramatically.

Mar 6, 2015

Traci L.

Accutane is linked to a lot of different diseases bowel disease and liver damage so being that you have already had your bowel removed I definitely don't think it would be wise or safe you already have a weekend immune system , and your acne doesn't sound severe enough to go that route ,topicals and a skin care routine that fits your needs may help

Mar 6, 2015

Kelly V.

What is your current skin care routine? do you exfoliate or use a clarisonic?

Mar 6, 2015

Carrie B.

Yes. It was the only time in my life with nearly perfect skin. Side effects weren't bad for me. However effects didn't last forever. I took it over 10 years ago, acne is back now but cystic acne is gone...

Mar 6, 2015

Vickie P.

I was on accuatane twice as well. Had no issues. The blood being drawn once a month was to make sure you weren't pregnant. Accuatane is harmful to a fetus and you cannot donate blood while your on it. Cleared up my acne. I honestly have not met anyone who has had any issues on. Yes there can be serious side effects but if you feel those side effects you can tell your doctor and they would immediately stop treatment. I think people just here bad things about the drug and just assume everyone is going to react to the negative side effects. No, there's only a small percentage of people who get those side effects. The worse problem I had on it was very dry dry skin like Jaden said. So you make the decision for yourself. I wouldn't really go off of what people say who have never taken the drug before. But do your own research and get reviews from people who have been on it. Hope this helps.

Mar 6, 2015

Jennifer R.

I took accutane and it was worth it didn't have any side effects besides dry skin and lips. Each person is different and it's a personal choice. It's risky but in my case worth it.

Mar 6, 2015

Jaden C.

Maybe I was a lucky one, as I went through accutane cycles not once but twice. My acne was extremely severe, and the only thing I noticed after taking it was that my skin has become dry and more sensitive. I do think it's more of a last resort though, unless your skin is crazy covered in acne I'm not sure why you would need it.

Mar 6, 2015

Milan M.

Thanks Karter! Brittany I am speechless 🙊🙊🙊 that's crazy!

Mar 6, 2015

Karter K.

I don't recommend it. It is harmful to your liver and you have to get blood drawn month to month because it's that bad. I would use panoxyl 10% benezol peroxide and a toner. I'm oily too and oil is good it prevents wrinkles!. Good luck!

My boyfriend almost died from it 😳 I definitely feel accutane is a last ditch effort for EXTREME cases because you never know how your body will react.

Mar 5, 2015

Shelley W.

Thank you Mohsen. That clear skin has taken me a long time to get. Basically I follow an intense skincare program and eat clean and processed foods and no dairy (cow based). My only weakness is chocolate and wine.

Mar 5, 2015

Shelley W.

If you just had your bowel removed then I would definitely put that on hold. That is major surgery and I know from watching my neighbor go thru a kidney transplant and even before surgery he was having a hard time controlling acne and even after surgery he still dealing with skin issues ( starting to slowly clear up though). Your body needs time to heal from a major surgery. And Accutane can affect your internal organs (one of the ugly dark side affects).

Mar 5, 2015

Milan M.

Shelley I just looked at your pictures and you have amazing skin. What do you use? Xx

Mar 5, 2015

Milan M.

Lol don't hold back Alex! 😜...Shelley that's what I'm scared of...I just had my bowel removed so I'm really thinking hard about it.

Mar 5, 2015

Shelley W.

Its a risky med to take. Since the doc gave you clearance its best to seriously sit down and decide if the risks are worth it for you personally as everyone responds differently to Accutane. Some have awesome results while some never see a change (and in some instances acne becoming worse).

Mar 5, 2015

Milan M.

My dermatologist said he'd give it to me since My oily tzone is causing me to get acne

Mar 5, 2015

Lilibeth G.

Nooo, accutane is only if you have really bad acne.

Mar 5, 2015

J L.

Well Accutane is suppose to be used for severe acne, at least to my knowledge. I'm not completely sure though (:

Mar 5, 2015

Milan M.

Closed Comedones/blackheads/oily tzone. Is Accutane worth it?