Super duper dry skin, help!!


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Mar 4, 2015

Michelle H.

Do a bit of research and try a face moisturizer that fits your skin type. Mary Kay is a good brand.

Mar 3, 2015

Emily O.

I have very dry skin, and I switched my face wash from a garnier scrub to a foaming cleanser, and I use a moisturizer every night. It really helped, and I started noticing a difference in a week!!

Mar 3, 2015

Taylor G.

Agreed^, just exfoliate 1-2 times a week, and use a good moisturizer

Mar 3, 2015

Becca B.

Use an intensive scrub or a deep moisturiser, it won't go away straight away. I have dry skin as well and managed to combat mine with regular use of both scrubs and deep moisturisers :)

Mar 3, 2015

Dalasta A.

I have a superduper dry skin, tried so hard to fix it but failed. Anyone knows how to fix it? And what product should I use, than you very much!💋