Side shaving curly hair.


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Mar 12, 2015

Amy H.

So I was really keen to shave my head for cancer but the more I thought about it I realised I wouldn't be able to handle it so I was thinking I could get a side shave and donate the hair that's cut off towards a company where I live that makes wigs. Do you think a side shave would suit me or not? Where I live I never see it on fair skinned girls (I'm not trying to be racist btw) I'll post a pic of my hair currently and what I would get done.

Mar 12, 2015

Amy H.


Mar 12, 2015

Anna D.

It would really suit you!! Grow it out then go for it!! Supporting you!! :)

Mar 12, 2015

Amy H.

My hair won't grow any longer I've been trying for years haha but thank you :) I just added the second picture so people would know what I'm talking about. The shave for a cure month is coming up soon so I would really like to do it around that time.

Mar 12, 2015

Kel R.

In my personal opinion I don't think it would suit you. I feel you would need longer hair. I mean that completely in a nice way and just honestly :) BUT it's for a good cause and that always makes everything look better ;) xx

Mar 12, 2015

Amy H.

Thanks for being honest kel I appreciate it :) yeah I think if my hair was longer I'd be 100% committed to it but I'm not completely sure yet.

Mar 12, 2015

Anna D.

Agree with Kel^^ :)

Mar 12, 2015

Kailey L.

I think it would look great! Just make sure you check with the organization you're donating to, some have a certain weight requirement so a partial shave may not be accepted.

Mar 12, 2015

Anna D.


Mar 12, 2015

Delara g.

You have beautiful curly hair, I'm not a fan of a side shave, I think I'd only do it for a cause to save lives, that way if feel good about doing it. But if you want it, go for it :)

Mar 12, 2015

Olivia G.

I think it'd look good if you let a piece of your hair by your ear.

Mar 12, 2015

Les N.

I personally don't think it would suit you

Mar 12, 2015

Dereanna D.

I personally don't think so.

Mar 12, 2015

Kat H.

I don't really think it would suit you either. I think that it would look a bit off with how curly your hair is sorry.

Mar 12, 2015

Julia K.

I have short hair and a sidecut, and I love it. so I don't think it would look off cause your hair is short. I also love sidecuts on people with curly, voluminous hair, so I say go for it! :)

Mar 12, 2015

Aseel S.

I hope you get well soon 💗💗

Mar 12, 2015

MaKenzie T.

I had the side of my head shaved, and loved it!! I don't know if you can tell in this pic but here.

Mar 12, 2015

Shanae J.

I actually think it would look gorgeous.

Mar 12, 2015

Amy H.

Thanks for all of your opinions:) I checked with the company and often they use multiple people's hair to make one wig so it doesn't matter how big the hair has to be, the only thing I have to check is if they want curly hair or not. When I get home I will post a picture of my hair like braided along one side so you can get a semi idea of what it would look like.

Mar 12, 2015

Anna D.

Will check it out when you do it:)

Mar 12, 2015

Amy H.

So this is a quick picture, my hair was up in a bun so that's why it looks so funny. I don't know how far is get it shaved back but this gives a general idea of how it would look.

Mar 12, 2015

Shanae J.

Yes, I definitely think it'll look great. I'd say maybe a half inch behind your ear.

Mar 12, 2015

Amy H.

After seeing picture I'm actually really keen to get it done.

Mar 12, 2015

Les N.

Still not a fan but if you really want to do it then go ahead (:

Mar 13, 2015

Merna M.

It's for a good cause and it will grow back so I say go for it. Keep in mind though that when it starts to grow back it will probably go threw an awkward phase.