My makeup drawer. How do you organize your makeup?


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Jan 26, 2015

Jenny A.

I have a storage unit in my bathroom, the top of which I use for makeup. It is about 18 inches, circular with a lip around the edge to keep things from falling off. Above that, I have the bottom shelf of a hanging organizer. I use a similar system, keeping all products together in groups, using little boxes and tins to keep things separated. I keep my brushes in two cups, so they can stand up. I find them easier to use that way. One cup is small and is for short brushes and the other is taller for "pro" length brushes.
The drawer is a nice idea, because you can just tuck everything away when you are done. I like having a very defined space for makeup. I'm currently in a one item in, one item out mode. That keeps me from loading up on stuff I'm really not going to use.

Jan 26, 2015

Alexis C.

Just so you know, this should be in "Storage & Organization"

Personally I keep all same/similar products together so all my eyeliners are together, lip sticks together, primers/bases together, etc. and one side of my caboodle (which is what I keep all my makeup in) is just eye products, the other half is lip products, and the middle is face products (: