Who doesn't anybody answer?


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Jan 31, 2015

Saarah A.

Same! No one answers me too

Jan 31, 2015

J L.

I really don't think how many followers you have determines if you get answers or not. I always try to answer everyone's threads if I have an answer to it. Like Renay said there's a lot of reasons why threads don't get responses. But I do remember a moderator (don't remember who) saying that sometimes the app doesn't show every thread

Jan 30, 2015

Cassidy R.

I haven't seen any of your questions :/ None of mine ever get answered I've stopped posting questions. Sometimes I have a question I really want to ask so I will, no answers, and then I'll delete it and repost it a couple days later and still no answers. I give up haha. You're right, normally the threads that get the most answers are by the people with the most followers.

Jan 30, 2015

Rissa G.

I don't think it has to do with followers but yeah it does suck! Plus people are in school so it could be the time of day. There's a lot to put into perspective

Jan 30, 2015

Maria c.

I haven't seen any of your posts alexis

Jan 30, 2015

ramie x.

Well I think it's not always the apps fault, sometimes people don't simply know the answer or aren't able to offer any help.

Jan 30, 2015

Alexis M.

I'm embarrassed bc this was supposed to say why not who. 😭that's super frustrating especially since a lot of the questions that get answered are people who either have tons of followers or people who ask the same question repeatedly that's kinda obvious.

Jan 30, 2015

J L.

Yeah its the apps fault lol that's why I don't even post threads anymore. I also haven't seen your post, Renay yours too.

Jan 30, 2015

Alexandra S.

I'm not sure maybe it's because not much people know. Usually if the questions are really specific less people will answer that's what happened to me too

Jan 30, 2015

Rissa G.

I don't think I've seen your posts these past few days! The app (which most people use) does NOT show all the threads. It's annoying haha, and a fact! I've checked whilst being in a computer simultaneously. None of the threads I've posted in these past few days have been answered either!

Jan 30, 2015

Alexis M.

I really don't know what category this is under but I really don't understand why nobody answers my questions. I have to post them 2 or 3 times for about three days before I get an answer and I'm not sure if it's because nobody sees them or they just don't know haha. I'm not mad, just curious!