Primer for acne & oily skin?


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Feb 1, 2015

Lama K.

Jenna yes, cover fx is at sephora. I have the same type of skin, oily and acne prone and last year I tried maybe 10 different primers, cover fx is the only one that worked. the whole brand is formulated for acne prone and troubled skin. you should check out their foundation as well!

Feb 1, 2015

Sarah B.

I'm not sure, but check if Dermablend has a primer. Smashbox has a primer made for acne prone skin. I believe it's called Skin Clearing Primer.. Used it on myself and on my clients with oily or troubled skin when I worked for them.

Feb 1, 2015

Rosa A.

I have bad acne and I don't wear primer because most are seriously mostly filled with oil so if you could go without I'd suggest it. I just wear the all nighter spray before and after applying makeup

Feb 1, 2015

Jenna L.

Lama, is that sold at sephora?

Feb 1, 2015

Lama K.

Cover fx, their primer is made specifically for combating acne and oily skin. also, it's actually a really good primer

Feb 1, 2015

Rebecca J.

I like smashbox pore minimizing one. I have oily skin too and use estee lauder double wear and it looks great with it. I also like smashbox photo finish primer too. Smashbox has a primer to help with redness its in a green tube that might be of interest to you :)

Feb 1, 2015

Jenna L.

I have acne (redness and white heads) and super oily skin (when I wear makeup). And I'm looking for a primer that will help my foundation - Estée Lauder - stay in place better and keep a matte finish.
I was using Makeup Forever colour correcting one, and although it was nice it wasn't giving me my desired results.