Red hair dye and flaky scalp.


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Feb 5, 2015

Nicole S.

Thanks Austin I'm going to definitely try that! I've been wanting to try that lush shampoo also so more of the reason to buy it!:)

Feb 5, 2015

Nicole S.

I was using the same shampoo for around 8 months prior to dying red so I know it's not the shampoo. The hair products I use is just a leave in conditioner but I was using that before I dyed my hair also.

Thanks ladies, I'm thinking it's probably a reaction to the dye since it burned kinda bad. When my stylist did it I'm not sure which brand he used but I still burned. Not as bad as when I dyed it at home. At home I used ion from Sally's. It sucks Cuz I love the red but it makes my scalp crazy:(

Feb 1, 2015

Austin L.

I recently went through something very similar to this, my scalp actually wept it was awful. I bought coconut oil and massaged it into my entire scalp and slept with it over night, the next day my scalp was nearly back to its normal state. I also like to use LUSH Big shampoo because of its exfoliating properties it is good for eliminating the flakes. If you give the oil a try let me know if it helped you!

Feb 1, 2015

Shauna S.

Tea Tree Oil and Selsun Blue Shampoo are good for dandruff but I agree with these ladies and it might be more of a reaction you're having to the dye. I used to get mine done professionally and it would burn my scalp and I would get flakes for about a week. I then started going to another hair salon where they used a different brand for my red hair and I never had a problem. I've also done box dyes at home and some of them actually got rid of my dandruff lol. My hairdresser told me that red/burgundy hair dye can actually be a lot harsher on some people's scalp than other colours. My scalp is fine with all colours but red dye usually burns/ makes a tingly feeling on my scalp while it's put on my hair. I would suggest trying a different more gentle brand. Even ask a hairdresser for suggestions. If you still want to keep the red maybe even get a red toner put in by a professional. Mine was semi-permanent but it lasted for a really long time.

Feb 1, 2015

Lara C.

I think youre reacting to the dye. Use coconut oil on your scalp to try and heal it. Dandruff shampoo won't help much if it isnt dandruff and it will also fade your hair, especially since its red. Try not to dye your hair

Jan 31, 2015

Shanae J.

I'm glad that I'm not the only one who went through that, my mom looked at me like I was stupid when I said it to her.

Jan 31, 2015

Rissa G.

Dandruff shampoos* not scalps lol

Jan 31, 2015

Rissa G.

Shanae is right too, dandruff scalps usually are way too harsh and worsen the problem. My boyfriend's sister has bad dandruff and it made it 20x worse

Jan 31, 2015

Shanae J.

What dye are you using?

Jan 31, 2015

Shanae J.

Duuude, I'm not even kidding you, dandruff shampoos make dandruff worse for me! That's why I never use it, even if I run out of my shampoo. It could definitely be the dye though, do you ever massage your scalp? That could help..

Jan 31, 2015

Rissa G.

Btw I've had red hair three times, longer than 5 months each time. Longest being a whole year and few months

Jan 31, 2015

Rissa G.

I never experienced problems regarding my scalp. What products are you using? Dye? You're probably irritating your scalp

Jan 31, 2015

Brittany C.

It sound like its product buildup and not dry scalp. Are you using a lot of products beside the hair dye?

Jan 31, 2015

Carien G.

Is it winter or cold where you live? I don't know where you live and how long you've been dying your hair but when it's winter the skin on my scalp is dry which makes it flake a little and anti dandruff doesn't help with that so that might be the problem

Jan 31, 2015

Nicole S.


Jan 31, 2015

Nicole S.

I recently have been dying my hair red/burgundy both professionally and at home. I've developed huuuugge flakes in my scalp that won't go away. I've dry various dandruff shampoos and the flakes are still there. Is the red dye a cause to this? I'm thinking I might need to ditch the red color to get rid of these horrendous flakes.