Lush Wedding Game yes or no.


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Aug 3, 2015

Whitney L.

Not sure if there will be girls traveling from out of town but if so you may want to consider if they have a lush near them. I know for my the closest is 3 hours away :/

Aug 1, 2015

Lara C.

I agree with Diana. Just the fact that everyone will have to go out of their way to go and buy products... Its not the best idea. If people forget and/or $$ is an issue, or even the gifts varie in price, it'll just cause confusion and problems. What you can do instead is like a Trivia game about your friend and the top 3 get lush products as a prize.

Aug 1, 2015

Diana T.

I know from experience that I don't really like to be restricted with the gift I give the bride and most people will buy stuff on her wedding registry anyways - and then the hostess usually gets party gifts for the people that come and play and win the bridal games - so I don't know that a white elephant would be a good bridal game - maybe you could have the party favors be from lush but they are usually just cheap stuff from a craft store or the dollar store (usually) at least that's how it was at my bridal shower and we did games like the toilet paper wedding dress, and like bingo for guessing what gifts I got and there are a bunch of better ideas out there that make it fun for everyone.

Aug 1, 2015

yasmine g.

Hi ladys so I am in charge of my best friends bridal shower/bacheloret party and I thoat of a game like the white elephant gift exchange game but instead of just bringing any gift it whould half to be something from lush does that sound like a good fun game to play.