I couldn't help but see so many how can I get long hair.


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Aug 1, 2015

Victoria A.

I got my first "pixie" cut last year after taking in a pic of a cute cut I found online to my stylist. By the time I walked out, it looked like I was wearing a really weird wig. I looked like a middle aged real estate agent or politician. I was mortified, going to school AND interning at the local courthouse so there's no way I could avoid the public, lol. I learned that bobby pins and headbands were my best friends for the first month. After it grew out a bit I loved it. Now it's shoulder length and I miss having it so short :(

Aug 1, 2015

NiK I.

Truthfully with the right stuff I think you can make any hair cut work just own it remember the "Rachel"form friends that hairstyle is a nightmare but she rocked it so much that everyone in the late 90s tryed to pull it off

Aug 1, 2015

Bella R.

Used* not sued lol.

Aug 1, 2015

Bella R.

I don't have any tips or anything either but you'll get used to it, no matter how bad it was and once you get sued to it you will actually start to like it more and more each day :)

Aug 1, 2015

katie s.

I recently cut my hair and for the first day I hated it and I wouldn't get on any social media or even answer questions on beautylish because I was so upset, but I now kinda like it! It is in a v shape. I like the back. It has nice texture and it's flowey and fun, but in the front, they gave me some awkward layers, but I've learned to work with it and my hair feels a lot healthier and it's still long 😊 Thanks for the post! Kind of cheered me up a bit. I just celebrated my birthday with my dad (my birthday was last month) and I'm going shopping tomorrow! Hope to find some good products to keep my hair this nourished and healthy!

Aug 1, 2015

NiK I.

I'm far from being an expert but here are some tips for growing out a bad hair cut or just wanting long hair when I was a lady at the ripe age of 13 I thought I have the best idea I'm going to get my like Nicole Richy I walked into the hair salon picture in hand ready sad to say I walked out looking like David Spade so let's just say I was disappointed to say the least the first thing I did after eating a whole chocolate cake and crying I stopped washing my hair every day I went to only once a week and standard vo5 hot oil treatments and hair masks and looking into the perfect shampoo for my hair type and not just getting whatever there is no amazing pill shampoo and conditioner if there was believe me I would have found it so to sum up don't over wash it carefully use heat if you half to invest in a good hair mask and oil and stay relaxed it will happen and know you are beautiful no matter what.

NiK I.

St Catherine's Ontario