Help with Conturing


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Aug 2, 2015

Aurora S.

MACs sculpting powder is my fave for contouring.
I PERSONALLY wouldn't suggest getting a contour kit just because I didn't have a good experience with them. I ended up only using one or two shades.
I find contour kits to be better for makeup kits when working on clients and they aren't very travel friendly, take too much space IMO.

I like the Sculpting powder cause it's not warm tone like bronzers. It's doesn't pull orange, muddy or red, it's matte and looks very natural but sculpted.

The way you sculpt contour can be based on your face shape or preference. I personally follow the guide for round faces just because I have a rounder face and the more common method people use makes my face look wider and it's not as flattering

Aug 2, 2015

Savannah S.

Look at makeup tutorials on contouring, they're very helpful. Don't ever use bronzer to contour, it's harsh on skin and doesn't quite give you the contour look. I highly recommend the Anastasia Beverly Hills contour kit, I use it myself and love it. I use the Sephora Brush #74, when applying the powder, use circular motions, helps blending and not so harsh on your skin.

Aug 2, 2015

Sabrine K.

Thank you!

Aug 2, 2015

Diana T.

Miss Jacqueline can probably give you some good tips based on your face shape - I wouldn't rely on YouTube tutorials since most of them use techniques that are really harsh looking or just plain wrong (if anyone tells you they use bronzer to contour then that is wrong) so be careful with those - try to find something that uses an actual contour palette or sculpting products and has different technique based on specific face shapes.

Aug 2, 2015

Lala H.

There are 2 goals in contouring: natural or sclupt result
Natural achieves when you contour before foundation. It sharpens your figures.
Sculpt achieves when you contour after foundation. It changes your face the way you want it

Aug 2, 2015

Sabrine K.

I'm just getting into really wanting to wear makeup. I have no idea what I should get to help me contour my face and still look natural. Can someone walk me through exactly how I should go about doing so?