Bad skin breakout


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Aug 1, 2015

patty s.

Yes I just had one last week. I used aloe vera gel.

Aug 1, 2015

Shelley W.

I just went back to basics and avoided products with active ingredients. And avoiding the sun/heat for my skin to stabilize. The first time it happened to me was when I moved to Florida years ago. I made the mistake of applying acne spot treatments and it butchered my skin...literally. It dried my skin out big time. Time is what it will take and eventually they will go away on its own.

Jul 31, 2015

Gemma T.

Eurax is what you want. You can get it in the chemist.

Jul 31, 2015

Jackie S.

I hate hear rashes!! I feel your pain. I would use some aloe as well as goldbond. Also when showering, use cool water. Good luck!