Burning face mask- yes or no?


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Jul 31, 2015

Ashley D.

Please don't use something called a burning mask on your skin.
Also cinnamon, nutmeg, and lemon shouldn't be used in skin care since they do more harm than good. If you want to usr honey make sure you spot test it first. I found out that honey gives me a rash if I use it on my skin

Jul 31, 2015

Cara S.

So I've read about a burning mask-honey, cinnamon nutmeg and lemon- and I was wondering if it's safe to use on the face and if it works. Thoughts?

Jul 31, 2015

Kitty K.

Manuka Honey makes for a wonderful DIY mask. Lowers inflammation, evens out skin tone and can add hydration if you're in a humid room.
Lemon and cinnamon... both are known irritants in skin care so I wouldn't personally touch them.
I recommend checking out this article on irritants and their effects... no mask should ever burn :) 

Aug 1, 2015

Nyssa R.

Sorry to disagree with Ashley, but all of those products are used regularly on the skin! A lot of them leave your skin feeling rejuvenated and fresh. Some masks Will tighten and dry and may even pulsate your skin, though most of it are the natural aspects of the ingredients that are bringing life back into our faces! I highly suggest it if you don't have super extra sensitive skin.

Aug 1, 2015

Kat R.

Please do not ever use cinnamonor lemon on your face >_<

Lemon is horrible for your face

Aug 1, 2015

Kaitlin W.

I don't think burning is something good to use on your face.

Aug 2, 2015

Lin F.

I agree with Ashley D, Kitty K, Kat R, and youarebeautiful c. and I think you should watch this you tube by Veronica Gorgeois before putting lemon anywhere near your face!  youtube.com/watch?v=4lrZqiqoZGA&list=PL7QNgFLgKuaLk9NXUlZL72G_8FUExjLkC&index=4.

Aug 2, 2015

Isabelle R.

Is the product actually called a self heating mask? because I have used those before and they are very relaxing xx

Aug 2, 2015

Emme S.

Yeah as said above, lemon and cinnamon should not be used on your face. Cinnamon is known to be an irritant that causes the skin to swell, which is why it is used in many lip plumpers, but any irritant should not be used on your face. Lemon is very harsh and causes pH to go wack.

Aug 2, 2015

Aurora S.

Lemon and cinnamon don't sound like a good mix for your face.
Just because something is natural doesn't mean it's a good idea to put on your skin