Burning, Watery Eyes After Concealer.


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Jul 29, 2015

Alma M.

You need a stiff cream concealer straight from a pot. :)

Jul 29, 2015

Lori C.

Yes, alma it seems to be the more liquid form that is the worst but I used a creamier one that bothered me too.

Jul 29, 2015

Alma M.

It's the liquid form that's bothering your under eye area. Have you tried a pot cream concealer?

Jul 29, 2015

Livi H.

Maybeline made my eyes water real bad. I'm currently using urban decay naked skin concealer which is great lightweight but covers well.

Jul 29, 2015

Lori C.

Thanks ladies. it does seem to be worse with the current brand I'm using which is just maybelline. The bye bye undereye by It cosmetics that I was using previously isn't as bad. I can't give up concealer unfortunately because I have very bad circles. I'll keep trying to find one. thanks.

Jul 29, 2015

Diana T.

I notice this happens when I accidentally get the concealer in my eyes or when it's allergy season and my eyes are already watery and I rub them and happen to get concealer in my eyes again - I would just try not to put concealer all the way up to your water line and see if that helps.

Jul 29, 2015

Leona K.

If it has sunscreen try one without. Sunscreen in the eyes burns horribly.

Jul 29, 2015

Hannah K.

First of all, I'd recommend taking a break from your concealers for a little while if you can.

Second of all, what concealers have you been using? Have you been putting it way up close on your eye? Have you been using any other new product in the same area that could be causing the reaction instead?

Jul 29, 2015

Lori C.

I have had a problem lately with my eyes stinging and watering after using under eye concealer. doesn't seem to matter what brand I use. I never used to have this problem. Does anyone know of a brand that is milder or less likely to cause this?