July favorite! :) (review + how I use it)


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Jul 29, 2015

Alma M.

Wow they're bringing these back! I think that's awesome. I use to have a similar one in the 90's :)

Jul 29, 2015

Amy P.

Agreed with Alyx! It feels so soft, just like I'm getting a massage :)

Jul 29, 2015

Sabrina K.

Great! I'm all excited to try it hehe! Hope I can find it!

Jul 29, 2015

Alyx T.

Sabrina - the bristles are silicone, it doesn't hurt at all :) It's quite soft! I'm sure if you used a lot of pressure you could make it hurt but I've never felt that lol. The only time it hurts is if you have an open wound. I had a cat scratch on my cheek that took forever to heal, and I had to avoid that spot for weeks or it hurt really bad lol. But it's really gentle and good for light daily exfoliating without harsh scrubbing

Jul 29, 2015

Sabrina K.

Amy that was very intriguing! I'm going to the uk today and I think I want to try this out! Does it hurt? Haha it looks a little painful! How soft are the brissels? And where did you buy it?

Jul 29, 2015

Amy P.

Salau, you could look online at Sephora's website if they ship to to your country, if so, you can just order online!

Jul 29, 2015

Amy P.

I didn't know that Ramsha! Thank you!

Jul 29, 2015

Salau T.

Hello everyone,I live in Africa and I am having a difficult time getting some of these stuffs. Do you think I can order online or something? please your replies will be appreciated.

Jul 28, 2015

ramie x.

That type of "scrublet" comes with the Loreal Go 360 Clean face wash line! It's great because you get a new one each time you repurchase the face wash (which I highly recommend)

Jul 28, 2015

Amy P.

Alex, I'm not from the UK but I do vist a lot. I just bought it at a regular drug store in my country. Like I mentioned, it's also available at Sephora, maybe you could order it online!

Jul 28, 2015

Amy P.

I couldn't agree more Alyx!

Jul 28, 2015

Alex W.

Ohh this looked really good! Where did you get it from? I noticed you said superdrug and boots so I know your a UK girl like me :D.

Jul 28, 2015

Alyx T.

I have the one from sephora, its 6$ Canadian. But I agree. I absolutely love it.
I'm saving up for the foreo luna. Which is basically this with sonic technology. But I looove that it's silicone and not brushes because it's not going to harber bacteria and to clean it you can just rub isopropyl alcohol on it. I've had it for about a year, and though lately I've been slacking, it really helped my skin. Especially blackheads lol.

Jul 28, 2015

Tia A.

Ooh that sounds really good! I'll definitely try it, thanks!

Jul 28, 2015

Amy P.

So I've had this pink massage face brush for about a week and I have to say, I am in LOOVEE!
I'm going to college so buying a clarasonic or one from another brand will have to wait until november.

I bought this brush for €2 dollars at the drugstore but I heard that Sephora also sells these.

How I use it :
I just step into the shower, wet my face and the brush, apply my Lancaster softening cleansing foam directly on the brush and then massage the brush on my face in circles for about a minute. Then I rinse my face. Once a week, I do the same with my cucumber scrub from Boots. When I get out of the shower, I use my Garnier micellar water for sensitive skin and after that my tree tea toner from Superdrug and my Clinique dramatically different moisturizer.
I do all of these steps twice a day (I use the brush in the morning and at night) except for the micellar water, I only use that at night.

Review :
My clogged pores started to slowly fade because finally something can reach all the dirt better than my fingers. If you're on a low budget (momentarily) just like me, this is a perfect substitute for the clarasonic.
I DO have combo skin that doesn't have acne or pimples (only the one or two occasionally) I only have the skin colored bumps and I think that this brush is what lessened them.
I can't guarantee that it will work for everyone, I'm just saying that it works for me.