Pacers and Racers


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Aug 4, 2015

katie s.

Thanks Olivia & Alyx (: My coach told me they were a little pricier so I was wondering if it's more expensive to get them there rather than getting the same pair from Khols or something. I guess if it's really worth it, I'll just have them get me the perfect shoes!!

Aug 4, 2015

Olivia L.

I would definitely check it out! I'm doing xc too, and I'm varsity so my season lasts about 6 months, so you definitely need good shoes for an intense sport like xc!

Aug 4, 2015

Alyx T.

In my understanding, they have several different brands and so the price will vary depending on your style.
Also, they fit you well, they measure you and watch you walk and run to make sure everything fits right and you have padding and support for your feet. So there's really no way to know till you get there.
We don't have it in Canada, but that's my impression based on the website and quick googling.

Aug 4, 2015

katie s.

Thanks Lala L. (: I looked on there website as well and like you said, they don't sell online. I was wondering if anyone else has gone there and if they can tell me a price range because I don't want to spend like $200 on shoes for 2 1/2 months of wear.

Aug 4, 2015

Lala L.

I looked on the website and you can't buy online.. I've never heard of them but their store had 4.8 stars so I'm guessing they're pretty good 😊💕

Aug 4, 2015

katie s.

Not sure if this post is allowed because they are fitness (running & walking shoes) but it does fit under the category 'style' and I'm pretty sure I emailed beautylish about it a while back and they said it's okay so I'm going to ask this anyways..

1.) About how much does a pair of running shoes cost from Pacers and Racers?
2.) Is it worth it? What are your experiences?

I'm doing xc and I needed to know because my coach recommended I check this place out, but I've never been there and I need to know about how much it will cost and if it's even worth the time.