My bare face #nomakeup (love the skin you're in)


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Jul 13, 2015

Phylicia V.

Isabelle, you look beautiful.

Angela, you need to do it more often because girl... You're flawless.

Sarah, although something is wrong with your camera, your beauty is still shining through.

Jul 11, 2015

Genevieve D.

Angela you have gorgeous eyes and your skin looks really good! if you found,it hard to post that pic, then be proud that you did :)

Jul 10, 2015

Angela J.

Sadly I feel this is the bravest thing I've ever done lol!

Jul 9, 2015

Genevieve D.

Isabelle and Raylene you are both gorgeous!! Don't ever doubt it!!

Jul 9, 2015

Isabelle S.

My naked face! It took a while, but I'm finally confident with no makeup.

Jul 9, 2015

Angela J.

Awe thanks Phylicia:) You are absolutely gorgeous inside and out!

Jul 8, 2015

Phylicia V.

Hiya beautiful 😍😍

Jul 8, 2015

Raylene I.

Hey all here's my naked face I don't mind it what bothers me is the bags beneath my eyeballs :( excuse the messy hair!

Jul 8, 2015

Phylicia V.

I would but I don't have a Facebook lol. But I do post bare face selfies all the time on Instagram lol.

Jul 8, 2015

Genevieve D.

Thanks Phylicia! I don't know I guess we always have something that we don't like... but it's a part of us!! that's so important! and I decided to,usr that pic as my Facebook profile picture!! who will take on the challenge to put a #nomakeup picture as their Facebook profile? :)

Jul 7, 2015

Phylicia V.

Maria, have you used that app? Or the little camera that they're displaying on the website?

Jul 7, 2015

Phylicia V.

Genevieve, you know what you can tell yourself?? People would kill to have freckles on their face. Hell, I see ladies put fake freckles on their face with makeup. Love your freckles and your eyebrows love. And you look beautiful. Your hair color compliments your skin too.

Jul 7, 2015

Maria S.

Love her! She has perfect skin! If you want to know how to improve your skin, just remember: track changes every day, identify what makes it aging. Check our device.

Jul 7, 2015

Phylicia V.

Angela, I absolutely agree with you. We need to lift each other up. I am sure you can post a bare face picture anywhere. I know you are beautiful. You just have to be confident and know you look good with or without makeup 👌👌

Jul 7, 2015

Phylicia V.

Melissa, thank you gorgeous..

Jul 7, 2015

Phylicia V.

Darlene, thank you and you're gorgeous..

Jul 7, 2015

Phylicia V.

Thank you ladies. I just felt the need to post this because it's so true and I hate to see anyone down themselves because of their flaws. I have acne issue, a big head and forehead lol, but I still try to remain confident. I actually like my big head and forehead because it's matches my body. Try to find a positive in your flaw. I am not saying I'm so confident and I am not insecure about nothing because that's not true. I am insecure about my weight gain but I try to tell myself love yourself and do something about it. Eat right and in my case eat more. I only eat once a day which I know is not good but I sleep a lot. My body is use to being up all night because I work 3 12 hours shift over night at the hospital and it's hard to eat 3 x a day but I have to force myself. People can tell you all the time, no you're not fat or you're not ugly etc.etc.etc.but at the end of the day, you're still going to think negative about yourself UNTIL you make that change or you become confident within yourself. You can do it.

Jul 7, 2015

Mariana M.

I don't wear makeup and its nice you do this.

Jul 7, 2015

Genevieve D.

This is so true! we must embrace our skin! the toughest for me are my freckles and my sparse brows! but here I am, no makeup at all!

Jul 7, 2015

Michelle S.

I love that you posted this. Beautiful either way :)

Jul 7, 2015

Angela J.

I love this! We should do a thread where we all (all who can get up the confidence) post no makeup pics. We need to lift one another up and I think this'd be a great way to do it. Myself, I wouldn't post a pic bare faced ANYWHERE BUT HERE. And I think that's sad.

Jul 7, 2015

Darlene V.

Love this!! And your brows. So inspiring ❤️❤️❤️

Jul 7, 2015

Emma H.

It's really cool your doing this!

Jul 7, 2015

Phylicia V.

Sorry for the typo and my grammar in some of the sentences. I was rushing when I typed this out on my phone. 💋

Jul 7, 2015

Phylicia V.

Okay ladies, I know some of you ladies suffer from acne and feel the need to cover them with makeup. I do understand it sometimes make you ladies insecure about your skin or even they way you look but you all have to love your skin and understand it's all about trials and error. I love to wear makeup but I don't wear it all the time. Honestly, I only wear foundation like once a week (sometimes I'd go weeks not wearing it).

Here's my skin care routine: I use the regimen. It consist of a face wash, 2.5% benzoyl peroxide, and a moisturizer. I only have acne on my cheeks and chin but mostly on my cheek. This stuff did help out with my acne. It can be a bit drying but your face had to get use to the products I was putting on my face then afterwards it definitely got use to it. I don't like the moisturizer, it doesn't moisturize well which is why I just use my own moisturizer. I don't remember exactly the name of the moisturizer I use but I purchased it at tj maxx and it has carrots in it. I do this routine morning and night. After I wash my face I use my tea tree face toner then I apply my 2.5% benzoyl peroxide (I wait until it's completely dry on my cheeks and chin) then I apply my moisturizer and that's it.

And just in case you're wondering what's on my lip, it's the new colourpop matte lippies in "bumble" and I am only wearing mascara. Nothing else.

Love the skin you're in and know you're all beautiful, flaws and all.