Greasy Hair- how to stop it


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Jan 2, 2013

Eirene V.

Okay thankyou ;)

Jan 2, 2013

Heather D.

Gotta agree, dry shampoo! Not Your
Mothers Clean Freak is a drug store brand. I wanna say maybe $5. Clarifying shampoo can help but be careful cuz it can strip your hair of the good oils, use it once a week, not every or every other day. And I'd say the dry shampoo over the baby powder bc that can be hard to control- dry shampoo just sprays on like hairspray! Too easy

I had the same problem, only i shower every day/night, my biggest tip is to use a clearifying shampoo, i use the garnier Frutis (however you spell it!) Pure clean Shampoo (in the green bottle!) I get it at Walmart! Its Cheap and Really helps with Greasy hair! Hope this helped! 

Jan 2, 2013

Eirene V.

Thanks so much! Any other suggestions?

Jan 2, 2013

Eirene V.

I get quite greasy hair, and although I don't use conditioner on my scalp and only wash my hair every second day, I still think its greasy. I'm on quite a tight budget, but Any suggestions would really help!!!