How Many Dayz?


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Jul 3, 2015

Sabrina K.

Yes Yaya that comment was out of line, completely! There is no reason to put people down for doing things definitely! I would think about the way you word your comments! Beautylish is a positive community so lets keep it like that!

And everyone has good points in this thread. Some like to shower everyday, so even need to - But there is no rules! I take a shower when I need it... Normally like 3 times a week!

Jul 3, 2015

Shanae J.

I agree that showering twice a day is highly unnecessary on behalf of conserving water.

It was extremely disrespectful to call people nasty, Yaya! Ridiculously disrespectful.

Jul 3, 2015

Alyx T.

Showering twice a day is just excessive and wasteful. Showering everyday was not a common thing until about 20-30 years ago. And it's very much a white American thing. It's not required. People don't smell after one day and they aren't dirty after one day unless they've worked out or have been crawling around in mud.
You're skin is in better condition of you don't shower everyday. Water strips it off natural oils, and since most people shower in hot water it's damaging to the skin. It's all wasting more money on water and wasting water, plus any products you use. Washing away bacteria that helps you fight infections is not unhygienic. It's actually really good for you. It helps your immune system, helps your skin, can help clear body acne by allowing the skin to heal itself and not interrupt the healing process with hot water jetting at it, and body acne can be caused by dryness and over soaping so it helps that too, especially with sensitive skin over washing is the biggest culprit of skin issues. If you google "why you shouldn't shower everyday" there's plenty of articles, including those from dermatologists (due to the drought in California buzzfeed got two dermatologists to answer a bunch of questions to help people save water, including that showering everyday is not necessary and is doing more harm than good, and several other dermatologists and doctors have confirmed and agreed with them on their personal sites) and most people outside of the states never had the same level of standards of what Americans call clean, in school and in personal life I, and everybody in my city, was taught to shower when I got sweaty and at least twice a week. If you sit at home and watch movies all day you are not dirty. If you go for a walk or go to work and sit at a desk all day, you are not dirty just because time has passed. I honestly don't know anyone in real life who showers every single day and if they told me that I'd be shocked and tell them that there's literal droughts going on in the world and you're showering once or twice a day? Unless you have a heavy duty job, do a huge workout or rolled around in the mud there's really no need to shower after a 20 hour period. There's seriously no need to call us nasty, it's actually natural and far from it, and it's not like we sweat a ton and don't shower. We shower when we need it, not to comply with American society's standards, especially when it jeopardizes my skins health.

Jul 3, 2015

Jamie D.

**sweat a lot not swear a lot lol

Jul 3, 2015

Jamie D.

I shower every other day or every two days, unless I swear a lot or get dirty. I'm pretty much the same as Alyx, my skin is extremely dry and sensitive so if I shower any more than that my skin will be red and irritated. It really just depends on your skin type, hair type, and what you're personally comfortable with. Nobody ever notices that I don't shower every day unless I tell them. It's not like I'm obviously dirty or gross or anything, so I don't see a point in showering everyday when it's not really necessary. That's just me though, so really it's all about your preferences :)

Jul 3, 2015

Yaya B.

I take daily showers sometimes morning and night snd wash my hair twice a week since I get a bloeout s and flag iron all the time... NOW to umm those who don't shower or bathe everyday..I find it super unhygienic and nasty to have to wash more then just your pits and feet...are yall serious? lol wow.

Jul 3, 2015

Amanda B.

I shower everyday, but only wash my hair about once to twice a week. I use dry shampoo in between hair washing a though.

Jul 3, 2015

Alura J.

I take a shower everyday (usually twice a day, just not my hair for the second shower) and a bath three times a week with a solid bath melt. Before taking my bath I will shower and clean my body then sit in the tub with the oil. My skin has never been softer.

Jul 3, 2015

Shanae J.

I shower everyday. I wash my hair every three days.

Jul 3, 2015

EsotericOdium Q.

I shower once a week. I see absolutely no problem with that.
I wash my armpits and feet separately daily though. I feel disgusting without daily foot and pit washing.
Summer though makes for an exception. Daily shower or every other. Sticky skin is  appalling.

Jul 3, 2015

Claire D.

I wash my hair 3 times a week.

Jul 3, 2015

Claire D.

I do once a day but I don't wash my hair everyday.

Jul 3, 2015

Stephanie G.

Every single day. Hygiene is important.

Jul 3, 2015

Alyx T.

Because I have very dry sensitive skin I shower every two days unless I sweat or get dirty. I wash my hair once or twice a week. Showering every day isn't actually that good for you. You strip your body of the natural oils, and people who shower everyday usually have lower immune systems since they wash away germs more often.
Just go with how you feel.

Jul 3, 2015

Chris M.

At least once a day.

Jul 3, 2015

Dereanna D.

I shower everyday.

Jul 3, 2015

Jaylene J.

You should take a shower everyday I also shower everyday. you don't have to wash your hair everyday though, if that's what you prefer.

Jul 3, 2015

Bre H.

Um everyday for me :)

Jul 3, 2015

megan l.

I'm sorry, what? lol. if its what I think your asking... everyday... every other.

Jul 3, 2015

sanaiyya i.

How many dayz v hv to bath per