Home Remedies for Getting Rid of Blackheads.


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Jul 4, 2015

Chic U.

Try pore strips! They will pull out all the yucky stuff. If you want to try making one yourself use egg whites and paper towel. Take the egg whites (the yolk will clog the pores even more) and apply it to the nose , then take your paper towel strip and press it on the nose. After that apply more egg white on top of the paper towel and wait for it to harden completely this may take around 5 min. Athough I don't recommend home remedies I've tried this one and never had a problem. It doesn't work as well as a store bought pore strip but it still helps. This works for me so I hope it works for you 😊

Jul 3, 2015

ramie x.

Most home remedies don't work and many ingredients are harmful for the skin. I'd recommend getting products to treat them opposed to potentially harming your skin further with home remedies.
I've heard amazing reviews about the biore charcoal mask! Many of the beauties on here love it! I personally use a blackhead extractor to scrape them all out followed by an exfoliator.

Jul 3, 2015

Hana B.

I tend to get this form of acne on my nose a lot, and it's extremely hard for me to get rid of it. I tried one remedy off the internet, but it didn't work. My nose just continues to get very oily and gross with blackheads. What do you all use to get rid of your blackheads?