The Nonsense Has To Stop!!


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Jul 5, 2015

Sabrina K.

Jen when ever you see something that needs attention either write on any of our profile and one of us will reach as quickly as we can :) You could also just email

Jul 5, 2015

Sabrina K.

And again I can't streach it enough - contact us and don't engage in the drama! The less we play into the drama the quicker we can get rid of it!
Lets kill the negativity with love!

Jul 5, 2015

Diana T.

I have another question about that Sabrina - or to any other mods out there that care to chime in too - on some posts I have hit the flag button - does that do anything or is it better to send an email like you said?

Jul 5, 2015

Jen C.

Thanks Sabrina, I will add the email to my contact list.

Jul 5, 2015

Nicole M.

Sabrina I agree with your plan 100% let's spread love and not hate❤️

Jul 6, 2015

Genevieve D.

I also stayed away from the app lately because I feel there is a lot of bashing unfortunately :( I just don't understand what is the point of replying in such way! I'm even reticent to post sometime because I don't need such negativity in the response I'll get! it's time for a big clean up ladies! Shelley that was the absolute right time to post this! thanks!!

Jul 6, 2015

Breeze T.

Thank you for this thread, I hope it gets seen by everyone. Please contact us if you see anything off as Sabrina said. Thankfully we're in different time zones so it helps with availability :)

Jul 6, 2015

NiK I.

Couldn?t agree more:-)

Jul 6, 2015

Rebecca J.

Thanks for this post! I hope the majority if not all members will take time to read this. I also don't post anymore, but this is mainly because my posts of late seem to go unnoticed/maybe no one knows the answers? anyway I agree that members should at least type their questions into the search bar before posting as more than likely it has been answered. I try to answer as much threads as I can with information they may find useful but I've given up answering questions that have been answered before. I also find it frustrating that when someone takes the time to give an answer but gets no thanks in return is rude. Hopefully things will change :-)

Jul 6, 2015

Tina K.

I totally agree! Well said, ladies!

Jul 6, 2015

Cindy R.

I love that this thread was made. I've literally been tired of the bickering. sometimes we need to agree to disagree as we all have different opinions and different ways of viewing things. some people choose to keep an argument going. but let's remember this how fair is it to the person who made the thread. how is it fair to have a heated discussion on someone else's thread that could be helpful and informative. Lets be kind to one another lady's.

Jul 7, 2015

Livi H.

Thank you Shelley for all that you do.

Jul 7, 2015

Bonnie R.

Shelley you do an amazing job. Moderating a large board is tough, and the team here is stellar. This is a great board to learn about other cultures, products, and customs. There's so much negativity out there. This is a great place to lift each other up. This place is also a refuge for me, and I'm tired of the judgemental BS.

Jul 7, 2015

Sadiya R.

Hi girls, I've been around for a couple of years. I enjoy this side, but I prefer to remain silent because I don't fell experienced enough to answer your cuestions. I love sharing my ideas and few knowledge whenever

Jul 7, 2015

Sadiya R.

(sorry) I can. I think we are here to encourage each other. Personally one thing I've seen lately and I agree is not useful for the community is common topics asked once and once again. I suggest to search before asking or make a specific question on the topic, I also suggest being more descriptive on the title, not writing topics such as: Urgent! Help with... That does not help me to know what the topic is about. I think this is a wonderful site and I encourage everyone of us to be respectful and kind, we are here to support each other, hope this thread helps to improve the situation :)

Jul 7, 2015

Jackie S.

Shelley, what a great post. I think this was definitely necessary to say and I hope people listen. I love this site because it has helped me discover new products and figure out some dos and don'ts. I don't post that often, mainly due to the fact that I'm not all that experienced. But I hope that things change to make it a comfortable environment for all. Bravo