Hair help please?


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Jul 6, 2015

Marron G.

There's a shampoo that makes my friends hair grow super fast. Her hair grew like 5 inches from when I last saw her in January. It's from Dolterra, or Doterra. Haha whichever the correct spelling is, look into it. Avoid brushing your hair when wet. Never do that. And avoid heat and products that aren't cruelty free because that stresses and strips your hair. And get your hair trimmed every SIX weeks :)

Jul 5, 2015

Gabby G.

Hair health is usually based on genetics so there isn't really a way to make your hair grow faster.

Jul 5, 2015

katie s.

Hair Growth:

Hair growth is completely based off genetics. There is no miracle product that will make your hair grow faster. The most you can do is make sure your hair is really healthy so it can grow to its fullest potential.

Healthy hair tips and tricks:
1.) don't wash your hair everyday. this will strip the hair from its natural oils which will result in dry, frizzy, hard to manage hair. I recommend washing the hair at minimum every 2-3 days. this will give your hair time to restore your hair which will make it healthier and more manageable.
2.) use sulfate free shampoos and conditioners. I recommend the loreal "ever" line. it's affordable and found at walmart, target, etc.
3.) don't brush your hair while it's wet. this will cause breakage and split ends. if you must brush your hair, use a wet brush or a wide tooth comb for minimal damage.
4.) say goodbye to your heat styling tools and hello to heatless hairstyles. my favorites are heatless curls, braids, and buns. you could always look some up on youtube though (:
5.) in between washes, use a dry shampoo and leave in conditioner. this will make your hair appear less oily so you can go about your day without feeling completely disgusting. I also like wearing my hair in a messy bun in between washes because it makes my oily mess less noticeable lol.
6.) use hot oil treatments/hair masks at least once a week. they will keep your hair strong and healthy.
7.) don't use elastics with the metal piece. it KILLS your hair. it will cause damage and breakage over time. with this being said, avoid tight ponytails or hairstyles. that will make your hair weak at one spot and it will eventually give up and split.
8.) try to sleep with silk pillowcases. cotton ones over time with you tossing and turning will break the hair and cause split ends. you could also put your hair in a loose hairstyle to prevent damage.

for more hair care tips and tricks, try doing some research! we are no professionals, we can only give you so much knowledge so it's always best to venture out and try doing your own research (:

Jul 5, 2015

Bella R.

For "natural" ways just don't use a lot of heat on your hair😊

Jul 5, 2015

Natalie A.

Try putting olive oil and egg whites in your hair and put it a shower cap for fifteen to thirty minutes and then put shampoo directly into you hair and lather it up. Then rinse. I hope it helps! It will make your hair shinier and thicker.

Jul 5, 2015

Jude A.

Does anyone have tips for super fast hair growth? I was also looking for some hair hacks too if you know any.