Eye lash curler


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Jul 7, 2015

Jennifer C.

One time I bought an elf eye lash curler and it was brand new and it cut the inner corner of my lashes

Jul 5, 2015

Catherine C.

The revlon one is fantastic.

Jul 5, 2015

Alyssa P.

Yea I just get whatever is cheap and it does not matter as long you clean it.

Jul 5, 2015

Taylah F.

I don't understand how an eyelash curler can rip your eyelashes out unless you're still holding it while taking it off, if you understand me? Haha! I've never once ripped out any eyelashes and I bought one for like $3 at Kmart. (In Australia) and it works completely fine, I've never ripped an eyelash out.

Jul 5, 2015

katie s.

I heard that about the ELF eyelash curler too. I haven't bothered trying it out just because the thought scares me!
I don't really want to spend a lot of money on an eyelash curler. I say no more than $5. The most I've spent on one is $2-3. I don't know the exact brand anymore, but you can find lots of nice affordable ones at any drugstore (:

Jul 5, 2015

Shanae J.

Good to know, Les. I guess in this case, it works different for everyone! Works perfectly fine, every single day for me. I keep mine clean and use it properly and it does the trick. I honestly wouldn't spend more than a buck on an eye lash curler. Only reason I suggested revlon was because it has good reviews.

Jul 5, 2015

Riff W.

There's loads at CVS and Walgreens that aren't elf or revlon, I'm not really sure which brand they are but honestly, I don't notice a difference and I definitely wouldn't spend more than like $10. Eyelash curlers are just something that you can't add on to enough and make it work so much better than a cheap one that it's worth more than $10.

Jul 5, 2015

Anh N.

I use the elf one when I need to.. because that's all I have my I'm sure there are better lash curlers out there. But I do remember one of the mods saying that the elf lash curler scares them or something like that.

Jul 5, 2015

Les N.

There has been many girls telling me specifically that the elf eyelash curler has cut there eyelashes or ripped them out.
not because of them not knowing how to use it or not using it properly.
it's been girls that know what they are doing.
I wouldn't buy a cheap eyelash curler, buying a cheap one and a high end one makes a huge difference.

Jul 5, 2015

Shanae J.

Not trying to disregard your comment or anything, Les, but any lash curler could pull out lashes. As long as they are kept clean and used properly, it won't pull out any lashes. I used to be afraid of them because I heard the same thing by multiple people, but as long as you're doing it correctly, it won't happen.

Jul 5, 2015

Claire D.

I use one from revlon.

Jul 5, 2015

Les N.

Stay AWAY from the elf eyelash curlers.
they will rip your eyelashes out.
they are cheap and don't work good at all.
I've had several people tell me that the elf one ripped out there eyelashes or cut them off.
so elf is a no no.

Jul 5, 2015

Shanae J.

Elfffff & Revlon

Jul 5, 2015

Bella R.


Jul 5, 2015

Shreya S.

Elf is the only one I can find at all of my drugstores.

Jul 5, 2015

Katrina P.

What's the best drug store eye lash curler brand?