What products or remedies make the hair grow faster?


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Oct 2, 2015

Mai O.

Oh and scalp massages might help. I read and heard some testimonies about how great scalp massages are great to help fight hair loss. I started doing it every night before bed but I have a hard time being consistent. at best it works, at worst I just have a little relaxation before going to sleep. :)

Oct 2, 2015

Salam O.

Okay ,thank you

There's no miracle product or technique to make hair grow faster as hair growth is based on genetics however there are things you can do to help your hair grow to its fullest potential.

-use sulphate free shampoos
-use a hair mask at least once a week
-don't brush hair when wet
-use as little heat as possible
-use a heat protectant when you do use heat
-make sure your buns/ponytails aren't too tight
-drink plenty of water and keep yourself healthy as well

Please do NOT take biotin, Hairfinity, or any other hair, skin, and nail pills unless you consult a doctor first. Taking a supplement without a deficiency can cause serious health problems.

Oct 2, 2015

Salam O.

What products or remedies make hair grow fast in short time?