Help with my skin!


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Oct 11, 2015

Rachael S.

Also dermalogica clear start is very good for acne and only £13 per bottle!!

Oct 9, 2015

Anna R.

Heyy! This may sound like really simple but use the neutrogena acne control with their exfoliant! It's amazing and it's cleared up at least 6 of my friends!

Oct 9, 2015

Danielle N.

And thank you guys for the suggestions! I've been wanting to try the clarasonic for a long time but just haven't been able to afford it :(

Oct 9, 2015

Danielle N.

The pictures not the best but you can sorta see how my skin is. I'm very fair so every time I get a spot I scar pretty badly.

Oct 9, 2015

Ivey S.

Girl same. try Murad. get the acne lot but also get the oil control mattifier. I also use the clarasonic but that's expensive. but I literally have the same problems as you and so far, so good. and if you do buy it, it gets worse in the first couple weeks. but then it clears up.

Oct 9, 2015

NiK I.

I hate to ask because skin is a sentive subject to me but can we see a picture so we can more clearly see what the issues are?

Oct 9, 2015

Mona O.

Try Iklen. It's an amazing skin care brand. I kept using it for couple of months and everybody noticed the difference on my skin.

Oct 9, 2015

Danielle N.

I have had acne for the past 6 years and cannot find anything to help with it! I never used to pay much attention to my skin care but the past year I have been trying very hard to get rid of my acne and nothing helps! I make sure to wash my face every night and morning and I use a mask a couple times a week. My skin is quite oily and has bumps all over it. I've also been looking for something that will help fade my acne scars.