Washing Your Face


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Oct 9, 2015

Amy H.

Thanks :) I think my skin kinda does better only washing once a day. even if I use gentle cleansers it gets a bit sore if I do it too often.

Oct 9, 2015

Alyx T.

I agree with sabrina. I personally wash twice a day, in the morning to get rid of oils that build up, and I use chemical exfoliating products, so my face is usually in need of at least a rinse. I also use a lot of oils at night on my face and Mt body and sometimes I have tiny cat hair or little bits of cotton from my sheets on my face/neck lol. Plus it's a good wake up booster.
I think if you don't want to in the morning, give it a quick rinse or run down with a wash cloth or cleansing wipe, and do a full cleanse at night.

Oct 9, 2015

Sabrina K.

I wash my face both morning/night every day - makeup or no makeup!
During the day you do get things on your skin that should be washed off; dirt, pollution, sweat and so on.
So if you only want to do it once a day I would say to do it at night.
In the morning I like to wash my face to get of the oil I have produces during the night and get of the dead skincells.

Oct 9, 2015

NiK I.

First I think it depends on your skin type and if you only wanna do it once a day I'd say at night just kind of to wash off the day and maybe just wash it water in the morning :-)

Oct 9, 2015

Amy H.

If you don't wear makeup should you wash your face once or twice a day? and if once a day is it better to do morning or night?