Review on Freeman honeydew& Caramell sleeping mask.


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Oct 10, 2015

Danielle H.

I have dry skin so I'll definitely have to try that out. Thanks for sharing! :)

Oct 10, 2015

Cindy R.

Please excuse my my typos. I have a new phone and I'm not used it 😭

Oct 10, 2015

Cindy R.

This is it and they have it in full sized.

Oct 10, 2015

Cindy R.

Omg I love the I suffer from severe dry skin. This is comparable to Peter Thomas Roth cucumber gel mask. It's the same concept except you can put in that one in the fridge. I didn't want to pay so much for the full size because it's pricey and it did what it's supposed to do. I came across this freeman honey dew and camel mill sleeping mask and it did the same thing. It moisturized the heck out of my skin. It hydrated my skin and even calmed the irritated spot that I have like around my nose. So if you don't want to pay the price for the Peter Tomas Roth one defiantly consider this one. The one thing it's not gel based its cream so helps it to dry faster than the Peter Tomas Roth one😊