Removing Blackheads ASAP


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Oct 8, 2015

Katie G.

I don't know how to get rid of them instantly but I would not recommend popping them. They can leave what used to be a black head red and gross. They might get infected and it could be worse.

Oct 5, 2015

Mia F.

I agree with Shelley. I have wasted my money on strips, didn't work at all

Oct 5, 2015

Terri D.

Oh Rachel that's what it is! Thank you very much

Oct 5, 2015

Rachel W.

Also, the teeny tiny blackheads are not actually blackheads. They're sebaceous filaments, and they're there permanently. Everyone has them, so don't stress over blackheads very much

Oct 4, 2015

Terri D.

Thanks guys :)

Oct 4, 2015

Genevieve D.

Be careful if you decide do pop them by yourself, you could easily hurt your skin and do bigger damage!

Oct 4, 2015

Luca F.

Unlike most spots you can pop blackheads as they are caused by a build up of dirt in your pores you can either use you nails if they are sharp enough or you can by a tool at your local pharmacy

Oct 4, 2015

Ashley L.

If you want to do it naturally, try steaming twice a week before washing your face. I boil water with an oil, such as coconut oil or an essential oil, and mint leaves. Then I take it off of the burner, cover my head with a towel, and stick my face over the steam. It's very relaxing also. Just make sure to moisturizer afterwards. But this will open your pores for the deep cleanse you need.

Oct 4, 2015

Shelley W.

The only way you will see instant results is going in for a professional facial where they will do a series of extractions. The strips didn't work because all they do is just get what is sitting on top the skin versus going deep into the pore wall itself.

Oct 4, 2015

Diana T.

Since blackheads are caused by dirt getting stuck in your pores I really don't know of an instant fix - you need to deeply clean your pores to get rid of them - I use a chemical exfoliant like a BHA or AHA or the OCM and they both work well for me but they didn't provide instant results.

Oct 4, 2015

Terri D.

Okay so I have blackheads on my nose and chin and I want to get rid of them? Pore strips don't work, so is there any other way I can get rid of them.