Time to declutter!


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Oct 7, 2015

Traci P.

I do the same sometimes, it's funny how attached we can get to a simple piece of clothing right? At least by having the naked lady party you get rid of some under used items and gain some new ones to replace them in the process.

Oct 6, 2015

Rita P.

Traci that sounds so funny! I've never heard about that before! I usually just give them to charity, but I admit I have a hard time deciding, and end up keeping pieces I don't use anymore

Oct 6, 2015

Traci P.

I have a rule that if it doesn't fit or I haven't worn it in over a year then it's donation time, unless it's a sentimental item. I will usually donate my basics to Goodwill and I save the nicer items for "naked lady" parties. If you haven't heard of "naked lady" parties it's where a group of girls all get together and bring a bunch of unwanted clothing and accessories to trade, it's like a huge free for all. They are a lot of fun and easy to organize, everyone donates what is leftover at the end and we all get to go home with new to us goodies to enjoy.

Oct 6, 2015

Rita P.

What do you ladies/gents do with your old clothes (the ones you don't like/don't fit anymore, etc)??
I find ir hard to shop for clothes when I have a wardrobe full of stuff that I'm still attached to, though I no longer wear :(
what are your tips?