Straightened Hair doesn't stay Straight?


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Oct 7, 2015

Alex M.

It maybe the straightener. I have curly hair and when I used to use a different straightener I would step outside on a humid day and my hair would automatically curl. I started using my Ultra Chi and my hair always stays perfect now

Oct 7, 2015

Dariya O.

Thank you Mari, I'll try that, and Alex, I'm using the Revlon Titanium Plated Straightener.

Oct 7, 2015

Alex M.

What straightener are you using

Oct 6, 2015

Mari F.

You can try a straightening serum. They help keep humidity out of your hair and give a nice shine.

Oct 6, 2015

Dariya O.

I always straighten my hair but then halfway through the day it's no longer straight, I don't know what to do.