Very personal Piercing question, but need help!


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Sep 1, 2015

Kat H.

So, what is HE getting done for YOU??

Aug 16, 2015

Victoria T.

I have it! The pain literally only lasted for the time the needle was going through. Other than that it barely bled! The healing process was simple :)
I have quite a few piercings but this is my fav!
I say if you want it, go for it!

Aug 15, 2015

Alma M.

No problem Raylene it's ok to make piercing and tattoo threads it just needs to stay in the lines of just that subject :)

Aug 15, 2015

Raylene I.

Oh my gosh. Thank you alma for editing my post. It's been a long emotional day do I apologize for my wording. I just saw plenty other tattoo and piercing posts before and thought I'd ask. And thank you girls for answering my question. I'm a huge baby when it comes to pain so the reassurance is nice. Thanks! And I'd like to clear it up. I do want it. I was the first to mention it to my husband. We were talking about going to the city to get my navel repiercrd and he asked me if I ever wanted my lady bits done and I had honestly replied that I did I always thought they were pretty. And he said he'd pay for it if I wanted it. Which I do. I'm just terrified. He understands my fear and told me that I didn't have to do it its my body and he does respect that. But it is something he likes and I like and I'd love to do that for him and us. He of course will be with me. What's the healing process like? How long until I can change the jewelry, and what do you clean it with? I'm worried about infection especially sitting on it for two hours after.

Aug 14, 2015

Chris M.

I agree with Emily H.

Aug 14, 2015

Emily H.

Only get it if YOU want it! Your husband should understand if you are that scared and not into it, it's your body :)

Aug 14, 2015

Kailey L.

I don't have it myself, but I've heard it's one of the least painful piercings to get. I went with my sister-in-law when she got hers done and watched (we're pretty close lol) and it was over SO fast. She looked a little uncomfortable when they put the clamp on, but didn't even flinch when the needle went through. I hope this helps!

Aug 14, 2015

Essie A.

The pain for a hood piercing is much less than most other piercings. It's a simple pinch and nothing more. I speak from experience. Just remember if you are nervous about someone being down there that he or she is a professional at a business and they have a responsibility to you, their customer. And I'm quite certain if they offer that type of piercing they've seen it all before. If you have any further questions, I'm happy to help.

Aug 14, 2015

Justine S.

I've had my nipple pierced (it's the closet thing to that area) and it didn't hurt at all. It hurt worse afterwards. My best advice would be skip underwear afterwards if you do it and wear something like a skirt so it doesn't get sweaty. but also take some aspirin before and eat a good meal. I think if you can push a baby out it should hurt much worse than that or even comparable to it. I wouldn't worry too much about the fear of them touching that area because they're professionals (that's how I think of it) so that might lessen up the fear of that. I also have a tattoo on my butt and that didn't hurt either I actually feel asleep so that might help you compare.

Aug 14, 2015

Alma M.

Hello Raylene, We would like threads to stay on the Beauty track versus Personal.When staying on the Beauty track your thread's are most likely to be seen so with that I noticed your thread is still going unanswered and I've decided to go in and Edit a few things in hope's that this will help your thread be seen and is community fit.I much rather help out versus having to remove a community member's thread since you've been a member for a while but please know this you need to stay on Beauty subject's because so many deletion's will soon come to profile deletion's,Just a friendly heads up on that.As for the piercing I don't have that one but if this is what You truly want I say go for it and if in doubt there are other option's for that.Best of luck :)

Aug 14, 2015

Raylene I.

Okay, so I have really no one else to ask as piercings aren't big in my family.My Husband wants me to get my hood pierced. I think they are really pretty but I'm absolutely terrified that it will hurt. We also live 2.5 hours away from the city so we will have to drive in a hot car after. Does anyone have any experience with this? Does it hurt super bad? I've Had my navel and labret both done and I was fine with both. But this scares me. I really want to do this, but just don't like the idea of a stranger down there, looking touching and poking you know? So help I know everyone's pain tolerance is different, I've pushed three kids out of there last one no pain meds so I know I could follow through just mentally I'm terrified. Opinions and thoughts please!!?