Egyptian Magic Cream?


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Jan 4, 2013

Pixie T.

My pleasure! Glad I could help

Jan 4, 2013

Vanessa A.

Thanks Pixie! I will stick with my coconut oil. It's cheap & works wonders. 

Jan 4, 2013

Pixie T.

I have it after hearing some raves... It's not all that great. It's pretty emollient (on the heavy greasy side) and it takes a while to soak in & absorb into your skin. I tried using it on my face, but it clogged my pores, resulting in several whiteheads. I now only use it on my hands & feet before bed. To be honest, I regret spending that much money on it. The main ingredients are olive oil, beeswax, & honey. It's the consistency of a heavy ointment. I get much better results from using coconut oil & raw Shea butter

Jan 4, 2013

Iris L.

OMG literally 'magic'. It so versatile! My dad uses it, I use it, even my dog uses it when he has cuts and scrapes. The only con is that it feels really thick at first. You get used to it though. Great buy

Possibly bubzbeauty did the review? That's what my head is picturing haha! I almost bought it after the review but was broke and forgot all ab it til now!

Jan 4, 2013

Vanessa A.

Thanks guys! I will check out YouTube. Caitlyn it is supposed to be multi purpose so you can use as lotion, hair mask, shaving, on scrapes, etc. It sounds like it might be similar to coconut oil... I just hate spending $30 on something I'm not sure about. ;)

I think a beauty guru on youtube raved ab this a couple yrs ago

Jan 4, 2013

Caitlyn B.

Just try it! What's the worst that can happen!?

Jan 4, 2013

Caitlyn B.

Never seen/heard of it. What is it supposed to do?

Jan 4, 2013

Vanessa A.


Jan 3, 2013

Vanessa A.

Has anyone tried Egyptian Magic All Purpose Moisturizer? I may give it a go but wanted to get some feedback first. ;)