How To Stop Picking Nails!


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Jan 3, 2013

Tanisha B.

so I'm guilty of picking at my nails.. not biting but I like peel off the tip when i'm nervous or angry. It's a really bad habit and I need help on how to stop so I can grow my nails for formal!! Thanks xx

Jan 3, 2013

Trisha Minela S.

paint your nails all the time , or put fake nails :) 

Jan 3, 2013

Briana S.

Or get braces :) 

Jan 3, 2013

Katie Z.

A girl I know had the same problem, she ended up soaking her fingers in vinegar. It's nasty, but it stop her from biting her nails

Jan 4, 2013

Cinthia P.

Paint your nails

Jan 4, 2013

Tara O.

I only recently stopped picking at my nails after doing it for many years. Putting bad tasting stuff on nails doesn't work because you aren't biting them. I'm not sure exactly how or why I stopped, but I think a strong desire is the key. Once I saw that my nails were actually growing, it was enough to make me want to leave them alone. Now that they are longer I'm putting nice polish on and I don't want to pick at them any more.

Jan 4, 2013

Arthika T.

Briana s- she said she doesn't bite them so braces wouldn't help
But even I wear braces I still bite them :(