Want clear skin - help!


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Sep 5, 2015

Bonnie R.

I need to check out the Glowpeel. Thanks!

Sep 4, 2015

Rachel C.

I've started using the body shops seaweed stuff for combination and oily skin. I've only tried the face wash, toner and moisturizer, but they also have night creams and things like that. Its done wonders for my skin.

Sep 4, 2015

Emily L.

Glowpeel serum will help you. It is a serum for dealing with problems like clearing skin, reduce the appearance of spots and blemishes and remove excess of oil. It is suitable for oily skin. Also, it helps repair skin surface and reduce wrinkles. It is a medical grade product.

Sep 3, 2015

Kristen H.

Thanks for the tips ladies

Sep 3, 2015

Kristen H.

Has anyone tried Kate Somerville products?

Sep 3, 2015

Bonnie R.

I've also been using Credentials glycolic serum, and it's definitely helped with both fine lines and my breakout-prone areas. http://m.dermstore.com/product_Glycolic%20Serum_1121.htm?xovrid=h9q5dlkq0rinnjl000b3iro8j4.

Sep 3, 2015

Bonnie R.

I should say those products have helped me, your mileage may very. Good luck, I do know how you feel.

Sep 3, 2015

Bonnie R.

It could be hormonal. I have dealt with hormonal acne for 20 years, and unfortunately while skincare helps, seeing a dermatologist is probably the best thing you can do if you can afford to do so. Cetaphil cleanser, Cerave Oil Control moisturizer, and a good benzoyl peroxide cream may help. Make sure you're moisturizing with a good oily skin friendly product, and change your pillowcases at least once a week. That will help.

I'm not familiar with those products but just make sure they're suitable for your skin type. Also make sure you're consistently washing your pillowcases and sheets and drinking enough water. If you've been struggling with your skin for this long then try visiting a dermatologist and see what they say (:

Sep 3, 2015

Kristen H.

In the morning I wash my face, tone, moisturize, eye cream and sunscreen. At night I wash, tone, moisturize with a night cream and eye cream. I use African red tea for face wash, Arbonne re9 toner, fresh moisturizer, skin ceauticals vitamin c serum for under eyes and sunscreen.
Thanks for any help you can give me!

What's your skincare routine and what products are you using?

Sep 3, 2015

Kristen H.

I've been struggling with my skin pretty much since my teen years and I'm now 28. I would love some advice. I have oily skin with red, dull, bumpy cheeks. I am getting deeper wrinkles under my eyes. Does anyone have suggestions on how I can get a clear smooth complexion?