Cystic Acne and Birth Control!!


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Sep 6, 2015

Jenny F.

You're skin might be purging (pushing all the funk from deep in your skin to the surface to get rid of it), if that's the case it'll clear up really well in a few weeks. That happened to me when I started, but I was on the pill.

Since this is your first shot then your skin might clear up or at least start getting better around/after your second shot but I agree with Alyx to continue with your skincare routine. I highly suggest the Origins Clear Improvement Active Charcoal Mask as well (:

Sep 3, 2015

Alyx T.

I would focus on your skin care routine. Maybe add a clay mask or a charcoal mask to draw impurities out of the skin. Maybe add a salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide treatment too.

Sep 3, 2015

Kat R.

Does anyone have any suggestions about the acne?

Sep 3, 2015

Kat R.

Yes, this is my first shot. I haven't had any bleeding, spotting, appetite or weight changes... only the acne :/

I've been on the Depo shot for awhile and I've never had any problems, with my skin or my period/cramping/spotting but everyone's body reacts differently. Is this your first shot?

Sep 2, 2015

Alyx T.

Definitely talk to your doctor, but I have heard similar to brittany's experience. That at first it's a whole wack if horribleness and then after a while it all goes away and everything is better.

Sep 2, 2015

Brittany C.

Idk much about the acne part but I do know when I first started the shot I had cramps and spotting non stop for months and it went away after my second or third shot. I was on it over a year and had no cycles bleedig cramping or anything then I got off for some months and still no cycles cramps or anything. now I'm back on it and everything is still honkey dorey.

Sep 2, 2015

Rachel W.

You should just go back to your doctor and see if you need to try out another type of birth control

Sep 2, 2015

Kat R.

Hello lovelies! I've had TERRIBLE cramps on my period ever since I started, so to help I started the Depo - Provera birth control shot. Ever since, I've been developing MUCH more cystic acne than usual! It's non-hormonal, so I was really hoping this wouldn't happen! What can I do to help my skin balance itself out again and stop the cysts from coming?