I Need Thicker Hair.


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Aug 24, 2015

Kyra K.

My hair keeps getting thiner! it's not damaged or anything. it runs in my genes for thin hair.. any suggestions for getting thicker hair?

Aug 24, 2015

Tessandra R.

There's no way to get thicker hair. It's in your genetics. The only thing you can do is keep your hair healthy (By doing things like using sulfate free shampoos, not showering everyday, using heat as little as possible, using a heat protectant when using heat, dyeing your hair as little possible, etc) and getting a cut to give the illusion of fuller/thicker hair. Layers help give that illusion :) You can look into getting some layers put in to help :)

Aug 26, 2015

Savannah C.

Put layers in it or do what I'm doing and I put extensions in my hair for volume not length.

Aug 26, 2015

Emily H.

I agree with savannah.

Aug 26, 2015

Jeannette R.

Try extensions if you battle to grow thick hair.