Industrial Piercing Help! Tips for healing..


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Sep 1, 2015

Kat H.

Cartilage piercings typically take a lot longer to heal. Do the sea salt rinse no more than twice per day, and don't touch the piercing. Crusting is good - it's a sign of healing. As long as you don't have anything green ooze, you're good. Try not to sleep on that side, and be careful not to snag it on your hair or any clothing. it just takes time. :-)

Aug 26, 2015

Jocelyn E.

Thank you everyone! I appreciate it! It's really killing me lol.

Aug 23, 2015

Kailey L.

I'm going to have to disagree with Talei, putting regular jewelry in industrial holes before it's fully healed can change the fit of the bar later, because it sits on an angle, and most other jewelry does not. With that said, what you're going through is completely normal. Industrials, really any cartilage piercings, take a long time to heal. So don't give up hope! But you can help it along by doing saline soaks. If it's the hassle of those that's making you skip them, you can pick up some H2Ocean spray. It's much easier to use, just spray your piercing, and remove any crusties with a q tip.

Aug 23, 2015

Shaye M.

Industrials are really a pain in the ass piercing when it comes to healing because of the position and the fact there's 2 holes and only one bar if that makes sense and so much space between that it has a lot of opportunity to get bumped and caught on things. I'd start using a saline solution twice daily instead of the Soap, soap will dry it out and actually make the healing process longer, don't sleep on the side it's pierced on and try not to move it much at all.

Aug 23, 2015

Becca J.

Industrials are a pain to heal! Keep doing salt washes, but do them everyday, I did mine in the morning and night. Some people have to end up taking them out because they just don't heal, consult with a professional either the person that pierced you or a different one.

Aug 23, 2015

Jocelyn E.

If this isn't allowed, I apologize in advance and delete it!

I would say my piercing is pretty new. I got it do professionally done in the beginning of the summer (so maybe May?) well it feels so much longer...
It is still sore, it hurts so bad if I bump it, and it still gets crusty. I do admit I only wash it in the shower with antibacterial soap (but I do shower twice a day) and every once in a while I do a salt soak for it. Is this normal? Is this just a sucky piercing when it comes to healing?...or should I get it looked at or take it out?