Has anyone used this?


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Aug 26, 2015

Ashley L.

I just got this wen by chaz dean hair care set for my birthday and I'm super excited to try it out. I was wondering if any of you guys have tried and your experiences?

Aug 26, 2015

Tia A.

I just finished using Wen for nearly 2 months now
Tbh, I didn't see much difference
It made my hair a bit smoother but that was all
I haven't tried the hair treatment yet
My Wen stuff was in the pomegranate scent, smelled okay not even that great

Aug 26, 2015

Alyx T.

It dried my hair out like nothing else, it was falling and breaking off like crazy and in clumps when I brushed my hair and faded my color in like 2 washes. Wasn't good for my hair at all. But I find its either love or hate.

Aug 26, 2015

Jaylene J.

I have naturally curly yeah and I tried it. it gave my curls some shine but it was really drying I had some breakage here and there but nothing like Alyx's and my color faded a little not a whole lot.

Aug 26, 2015

Alyx T.

Yeah unfortunately it didn't react well with my hair. But I do know a lot of people love it, and I ended giving mine to a friend (who knew what happened to me but wanted to try it anyways) and I'm pretty sure she still uSes it, 2 years later. It made her hair soft and shiny but her hair is naturally not dry.

Aug 26, 2015

Ashley S.

It made my hair really soft. I liked that it didn't feel like I was stripping my hair like normal shampoos do.

Aug 26, 2015

Lillee J.

I agree with the rest ;\ It really dried my hair out and I did not notice anything positive from this set other than hey lil you have dry straggly hair now. Not a cute look.