My Jacked Up Teeth.


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Mar 2, 2013

Madison S.

Yeah, I have a bad smile. Any advice?

Mar 2, 2013

Madison S.

Here's a pic... Sorry it's not a very good picture of me but whatever lol my face is all messed up so y'all can see my teeth lol

Mar 3, 2013

Cherish L.

Are you serious? they look great girl.

Mar 3, 2013

Kelsey V.

You do not have jacked up teeth! Magazines and celebrities have given us this idea that everyone needs to get veneers and have perfectly matching square teeth, which is not the case. You have a gorgeous smile- embrace it!

Mar 3, 2013

Michaela R.

I like your teeth, kindov abit quirky! and trust me not in any way shape or Form do they look 'jacked up'. forget about It, smile and Show them off!

Mar 3, 2013

Lizzy M.

You have a gorgeous smile! If it really bothers you, braces are an option, but a lot of models rock the gap-tooth look - plus, yours isn't even that wide. Let your smile be your trademark ;)

Mar 3, 2013

Jenn B.

Your teeth look great. If you want to improve your smile just brush your teeth, floss, and rinse with mouthwash, every morning and night (mouthwash only once a day) it's amazing how much your teeth whiten when you become serious with your mouthcare regimen. Your smile and face are both beautiful!

Mar 3, 2013

Kristi S.

My teeth are worse. I have what's called an "open bite". my teeth are just extremely crooked. lots of overbites. extremely beautiful if I do say so myself. in fact, my teeth are and always have been one of my favorite features. don't hate your teeth because they are different, thats what makes you beatiful! a pretty face is just a pretty face; but a pretty face with a striking, stunning smile is gorgeous!

Mar 3, 2013

Jennah S.

Your teeth look lovely!!