Light hair and brown eyes?


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Feb 12, 2013

Aubri E.

I have darkish hair at the moment and I really want light hair just because it's been dark my whole life. I'm half Mexican and half white, so I'm not super dark but I'm not super light either... I also have darker brown eyes. I don't think I can go light but id like to go as light as possible. Any color suggestions?? I've attached a picture that hopefully helps with visualizing my skin tone, I am the one in the middle. (:
thank you!!

Nov 28, 2013

Haley R.

I would try an ombré. You'd be able to get the lightness you want, but it won't be as harsh as bleached out hair. Just make sure it looks natural. I'd definitely go for a more golden tone. That will look better with your coloring.

Maybe something like this?