Beginner Nail Art Help!!


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Jan 29, 2013

Kira-Louise S.

Hello there and welcome to the nail art world haha :D I will tell you now there will be times you will get so frustrated and feeling like giving up but don't! Practice makes perfect :)

You can buy nail dotting tools and brushes off amazon and there very cheap! I found when first starting out buying fake nails and practicing on them! They help move your technique on so much faster and because your looking straight at them instead of at an angle it's easier to do.

Simple ones to start -
French manicure
Two toned nails one half one colour the other half another that teaches you control.

Have alook on YouTube there will be videos for people just starting out.

Another simple one is blending.
How to:
Step one - apply a base coat and let dry.
Step two - choose your first colour and apply a very thin line at the base of your nail don't worry if it's not straight it doesn't matter. Don't let it dry get another colour and just touching that first colour pull it out then where the second colour stops do the same with the third one.

So apply a light green on base, use yellow next pull it out half of your nail should be done then the last colour pull it out. If it hasn't blended well do it again or put clear nail varnish over the whole nail. :) it's very simple.

Jan 29, 2013

Ebonnie L.

I use nail art, it's very cheap and works great on any brand of polish, they have a small brush for drawing. I recommend O.P.I polish it work GREAT =)

Jan 29, 2013

Caitlin H.

Hi Chelsea! I usually would recommend buying this nail polish, and that, but first, we need to get them healthy. Burt's bees Is GREAT! BTW, your face is so pretty! You should get a nose piercing! 

Jan 29, 2013

Chelsea E.

I need some easy nail art that i would be able to do. I dont own any special tools or anything like thay