Mascara Experation Question


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Feb 12, 2013

Etienne S.

I don't follow the 3 month thingy but the mascara never last me 6 months soo.. If your eyes are fine and you dont have issues within 6 months then it should be okay. :)

Feb 10, 2013

Courtney B.

If you notice a change in smell or consistency after 3 months, toss it for sure. If not, you would probably be okay with waiting til the 6 month date as marked. I'm the absolute worst about not chucking mascaras at their expiration date, but once the seem to have gone bad, I'll finally throw them away. Just use your best judgement on if the mascara seems to have gone bad.

Feb 10, 2013

Rica F.

It's actually a personal choice. Whether you use it beyond the expiry date or not, I think the decision is all yours. If you feel bad chucking it with tons of product left, don't. Try to use your best instict to tell if it's expired or not.

As for me, I usually finish a mascara before 3 months because a mascara is a staple in my everyday routine. :)

Feb 10, 2013

Molly M.

If you keep your mascara brush clean then you can keep it longer. I have a mascara brush from my favorite mascara out separate from the actually mascara so it's not sitting in it.

Feb 10, 2013

Renoeka C.

So there are bad bacteria on the eyelashes? like howw?

Feb 10, 2013

Shelley W.

I toss after three months regardless even if there is remaining product. I've seen what is contained in mascara after 3 months worth of use under a microscope in a cosmetics lab. Lets just say it wasn't a very pretty sight. So I don't even want to imagine the junk in a 6 month old tube of used mascara. Yuck. But hey, if you have no issues then cool. But for me personally that tube is gone once it hits month three. I buy drugstore mascara so its not killing my wallet.

Feb 9, 2013

Renoeka C.

If you share your mascara with others you can get an infection. But you're the only one using that mascara right? Its your own bacteria.

Feb 9, 2013

Ilona S.

Ya I agree , but then bacteria gets in it and it may cause to like eye infections :( that's what I heard.

Feb 9, 2013

Renoeka C.

I never throw away my mascara after 3 months. I dont finish them in 3 months. It's such a waste while there's still mascara in it that you can use and is not even dried out.

Feb 9, 2013

Ilona S.

My Covergirl Clump Crusher mascara has that little jar sign that saids 6 months , which means the experation date. I know your suppost to throw out mascara 3 months after its opened so what do I do? Follow the 3 month rule or follow the little jar?