Tutoring young women in make-up


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Feb 7, 2013

Shelley W.

If its a non-profit event I wouldn't charge. Just write the event off when it comes to filing taxes for next year ( just be sure to hold on to any receipts for any additional product you purchase and fuel expense for travel). I think every artist should donate their services at least once in their careers for a good cause. If that's not something you're willing to do a flat rate across the board should be enough because I'm pretty sure this group isnt rolling in money keep it affordable and just do simple looks that aren't going to deplete a bunch of product. 

Feb 7, 2013

Holly R.

so I've been asked by my local youth group to come and give a talk on their girls night on makeup and its application. I will also be applying it on to two models.
my only concern is I'm not very sure on what to charge for this sort of small scale event. any suggestions or some advice please contact me on reedholly94@gmail.com