how shall I have my hair tomorrow


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Feb 6, 2013

Mireia M.

You sound like me too! I have straight long hair so I always wear 'free' with a separating line on the middle. When I've got time, I curl it. You can wear a ponytail, they are confortable! 

Feb 6, 2013

Jodeci B.

Oh you sound like me.(: haha same age and everything. But anyway I would recommend for school maybe a low braided bun, mermaid waves, or a blowout. Headbands always look very cute to school too! Think sort of like a Blair Waldorf sorta way

Feb 6, 2013

Anna L.

How shall I do my hair for school tomorrow? I can't decide not too fancy because it will get messed up walking to school. I have blonde, medium-longish hair. I'm 14 btw.