Advice On Keeping Self Confidence?


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Any tips on feeling good about yourself though out the day? Thanks ❤

Jan 25, 2013

Alice H.

Just pick one thing that you like about yourself (try to make it something different every day). Remind yourself about it whenever you start feeling down about yourself during the day. So if one day I'm feeling particularly clever, I'll keep telling myself "that was a really smart comment" or something like that, or if I like how my legs look that day I'll look at them in the mirror and say "damn girl, nice legs". Just focusing on the positive things, even if it's just one thing, instead of the negatives will help build confidence over time.

😘😘 thanks 

Jan 25, 2013

Heather H.

Don't compare yourself to other girls. I do that a lot when I'm out and it makes me feel sad. So I've stopped doing that. Oh and write nice little compliments on post it notes and stick them all over your room and mirrors!

Great tips thank you both!!

Jan 25, 2013

Shanay N.

This is a kinda strange trick, but it worked for me- compliment other people. You'll feel good about yourself, on the inside, and I believe a happy soul emulates a beautiful appearance :)💗 good luck!

Jan 25, 2013

Amanda C.

I agree with shanay knowing that you made some one feel good a B2B out them selves always makes me feel better about myself! its also a good way to meet new people which freaking rocks! lol